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  • Alcohol FreeWay

How to get a healthy night's sleep without Alcohol?

Sleep and good health go hand in hand. There is no doubt that good sleep is bound to enhance your brain performance, health and mood. Inadequate sleep raises the risk of various diseases. The correlation between alcohol and a good night’s sleep is a common misconception.

Various studies indicate that alcohol should not be used as a sleep aid, and constant use will make you alcohol dependant.

Alcohol by nature is a depressant and ironically it does help you sleep faster, but its effect wears out within a few hours. Our bodies try to discard the alcohol from our bodies. Studies have proven that alcohol inhibits REM sleep, which is considered the most mentally restorative phase of sleep. All this information does not mean you cannot enjoy your drinks at all, but it is a guide to how it can be done properly.

Can't sleep without alcohol? - Here's what to do

Is that nightcap a must before you doze off?

If you can’t sleep without alcohol, then you need to figure out why.

Do you have problems falling asleep or staying asleep? Has your lifestyle changed recently? Does all the daytime stress lead you towards a drink to relax? Identify the issue and put an end to the problem before alcohol takes over. You can be responsible and have a drink before bedtime without harming your sleep by:

Top tips for sleep without alcohol

· There should be a three hours gap between your last drink and the time you go to bed.

· Drink water along with alcohol to help cleanse the alcohol out.

· Drink alcohol as you are eating a meal to keep drinking in check.

· Avoid alcohol if you’re taking sleeping pills because both are depressants.

· Talk to a doctor on how to improve sleep quality.

You might feel alcohol will put you to sleep right away but the negative effect it has on your “good” sleep is massive.

Alcohol and sleep

Alcohol and sleep may sound like a love-love relationship but it is a love-hate relationship that is bound to harm you if not handled properly.

Sleep is well known for enabling recovery from physical, mental, and cognitive exhaustion brought on by daytime activity. Sleep provides the rest period that the human body needs for day-to-day activities and learning. Several pieces of research conducted on sleep have found that poor sleep quality increases the risk of obesity, metabolic syndrome, and cardiovascular disease. Also causes stress, exhaustion, and mood disorders.

Alcohol has long been thought to have a calming effect. People who drink too much alcohol, on the other hand, have poor sleep quality, and patients with alcohol use disorders frequently experience insomnia.

After a person drinks alcohol it enters the bloodstream. The body’s enzymes metabolize the alcohol but because it is a slow breakdown, alcohol remains throughout the body for long periods. Various studies show that sleepers who consume substantial amounts of alcohol before going to bed are more likely to experience delayed sleep onset that causes them to sleep later than usual. As the alcohol is metabolized by liver enzymes during the night the person can face hypoglycemia and hence sleep disturbances and poor sleep quality.

Drinking alcohol regularly can cause sleep disturbances. A strong drinking session of more than five units in one evening, for example, can cause us to spend more time in deep sleep and less time than usual in the critical Rapid Eye Movement (REM) stage of sleep, which our bodies require to relax. This leads to large amounts of fatigue no matter how long you twist and twirl in bed.

Another great article here

How to unwind without alcohol

Nowadays drinking is associated with relaxing especially at the end of the day. It is a norm to grab a few drinks after work to “recharge”. Various other things can be done to unwind rather than getting drunk before you sleep.

5 Top Tips To Relax Without Alcohol

Take a Bath

There is nothing a hot bath can’t fix. For this very reason, people prefer hot baths to counter stressful days. Your daily hectic schedule can tense your muscles. The hot water relaxes and eases them. The feeling of hot water relaxes you physically and mentally. Add bath salts to relax more. A long relaxing shower works like magic and will help you sleep like a baby.

Listen to Music or Dance

Music serves as a mental relaxant and gives pleasure. Make a list of your favorite songs and download the playlist. Look for music choices that will give you peace. Unwind and listen to your playlist when you’re in the kitchen or when you’re taking your hot bath. Shake a leg to relax and unwind. Music releases dopamine which is a feel-good chemical. Dancing can also be used as a physical activity because it involves body movements.

Get Active

Exercise and hitting the gym can do wonders for your physical and mental health. If you cannot head to the gym take a walk or do yoga. Yoga is an amazing way to unwind.

Read Something

The real deal is to relax your mind and body. Reading anything is like an escape at the end of a long day. Pick up a book or download one and let your brain do the rest.

Find a New Drink

If sipping on something is a night-time ritual that you cannot get rid of then opt for something alcohol-free. Drinking in moderation is not bad but overdoing it can harm you. Some safe drinking options are:

· Tea

· Hot chocolate

· Fresh cold-pressed juices

· Sparkling water with juice

· Funky mocktails

· Warm milk

What are some alternatives to alcohol for insomnia?

Alcohol can lead to insomnia because of the damage that it does to sleep cycles. This leads to adverse effects such as grogginess and daytime sleepiness. Heavy drinking occurs when someone has 4-5 drinks within a few hours.

The heavy pattern is directly linked with insomnia. Studies show that binge drinkers will develop insomnia.

Many people believe that alcohol reduces anxiety after a day’s hard work. Repetition of drinking alcohol at night can lead to dependence and alcohol abuse finally.

Further reading here.

What are healthy bedtime drinks for sleep?

Various bedtime drinks can be substituted for alcohol for sleeping.

Top 9 Bedtime Drinks For Sleep

CHERRY JUICE: Cherries are sweet and tart and contain melatonin. Melatonin regulates sleep. Cherry juice would make a yummy and healthy bedtime drink.

CHAMOMILE TEA: This tea is made from flowers and has various health benefits.

Chamomile tea helps anxiety and insomnia.

ASHWAGANDHA TEA: The tea aids the body and is an excellent remedy for insomnia.

VALERIAN TEA: Valerian tea has a promising effect on alleviating insomnia.

PEPPERMINT TEA: It may improve your sleep by soothing gastrointestinal distress and discomfort at night time.

MILK: Milk contains tryptophan, which increases melatonin levels that induce sleep.

GOLDEN MILK: Milk, turmeric, and the ginger mixture make golden milk. The compounds may improve sleep quality.

ALMOND MILK: Almonds are filled with sleep-promoting hormones and minerals. Hence almond milk is ideal for making you fall asleep and stay asleep.

BANANA ALMOND SMOOTHIE: Banana-almond smoothies contain many sleep-promoting compounds. Almonds have tryptophan and melatonin which promote sleep. Bananas have potassium and magnesium which relax muscles.

Don't let alcohol ruin your sleep and health

Drinking in moderation is not risky. Heavy drinking can lead to binge drinking and finally alcohol abuse. This causes a vicious cycle that has adverse effects. The most prominent effects are disturbed sleep, insomnia, sleep apnea, cardiac issues, and various others.

It needs to be understood that alcohol is not an anxiety buster. Alcohol is a depressant that depresses your body and mind. Alcohol is a recreational drink that is best in moderation. Nightcaps can be avoided with various techniques and doctor visits. Do not let the alcohol take over your senses and ruin your sleep and health.

Watch this video for for more information

How Alcohol Affects Sleep

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