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  • Alcohol FreeWay

What Happens After A Month Of No Alcohol?

Immediate gains can be seen within the first days and weeks, no hangovers and better sleep will be noticable for the outset.

I had no problem sleeping as some people worry about. The difference being you are getting a sound night of rest for your body and mind rather than anesthetising yourself into a numb drunken sleep.

Waking fresh and energised will be a welcome change and you benefit from that alcohol free sleep. Needless to say you have eliminated the risk of dangerous or embarrassing intoxicated behaviour.

Your bank balance will benefit and the money saved can be great motivator to keep going, treat yourself to a reward along the way.

A powerful feeling of achievement will be understandable, your taking on a challenge and winning. I experienced an uplift in self esteem and growing confidence that I could make a considerable change for the better, both for my physical and mental health.

I lost weight and started to see an improvement in my overall appearance, people noticed and the compliments starting coming.

Here's a basic timeline of my experiences

Week One

Your body will start to detox

Hangovers and headaches will pass

Sleep will be more restful and regenerating

Your skin appearance will improve

Week Two

Improved brain function, due to better sleep and hydration

Skin will appear clearer, wrinkles finer and face less puffy

Your will likely see some drop in weight due to the reduced calories

Week Three

Blood pressure may start to normalise

Improved concentration and clearer thinking

Energy levels noticeably increased

Sense of empowerment and control

Week Four

Detox is not starting to work on your liver

Habits are changing and the triggers for drinking are reduced

Thinking about drinking has reduced significantly

Skin and facial appearance improved

Confidence is growing and optimism is high

Not everyone is the same and you may likely have different results

Here are some of the basic questions I had, that you might have too.

How Long Does It Take For Alcohol To Leave Your System?

Factors such as age, weight, gender, type of alcohol and amount of food eaten can affect how fast the body can process alcohol, so this is an approximation.

Blood - 6 hours

Breath - 12 to 24 hours

Urine - 12 to 72 hours

Hair - upto 90 days

There's a lot more to this so here is a great article to dive deeper into the science

How Long Until Liver Recovers From Alcohol?

Again the same factors as above apply and the length of time you have been abusing alcohol will determine the damage to be healed. If you consider yourself a heavy drinker or worried about liver disease you should consult your doctor or health professional. Liver damage such as scarring and cirrhosis may be irreversible.

The good news is that after stopping drinking the liver can begin to restore function within weeks.

For more information about alcohol and the liver, this is a great resource

Clearly the health benefits of being a non drinker are substantial, check out our other posts about finding the keys to making a lasting change and removing the desire to drink alcohol.

Disclaimer, I am not a doctor or health professional, I was a drinker, I am now a non drinker.

The above is from my real life experience and I trust is a motivational guide to encourage you too to explore the alcohol free way of life. Do you own research, speak to your doctor or health professional before you make any decision that may effect your health or lifestyle.

You may experience different results. We are all different and respond in different ways. Use this as a springboard to make real positive changes to your life.

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