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  • Alcohol FreeWay

Brilliant things to do instead of drinking

Updated: Jul 30, 2022

Alcohol is a tricky bag to unpack for some; many people think having fun is not possible without the addition of alcohol because boredom can be a culprit behind drinking habits.

To work on a better relationship with ourselves, we can try to be more careful about alcohol consumption. Whether you are trying to sober up because of a reason like pregnancy, mental health, anxiety, don’t like the hangover that comes with it, or otherwise. Here are some ideas and fun activities you can do to connect and unwind without alcohol during different situations.

Things to do at night instead of drinking

Bake your favourite treat

From gingerbread men, to brownies, to cookies, you can satisfy your sweet tooth with never-ending options when it comes to baking.

Self-care night

Life can be super busy and stressful which is why detoxification and distressing is essential with a night that is solely dedicated to self-care. Grab your favourite scrubs, face masks, hair masks, manicure set and play your favourite tune and just unwind with these zen and activities that are free of alcohol.

Read a book or a magazine

Sit on the comfiest spot on your sofa, curl up with a hot cup of cocoa or coffee and read your favourite book.

Gift yourself an Instagram worthy photo shoot

You will be sober so this will make for the perfect opportunity to capture those Instagram-worthy shots that are not blurry! Set up your backdrop, use lights and candles, pick some really cute outfits and get ready to stun your followers.

Watch a movie

There is always an option to catch a good movie at the cinema. Sometimes movies with a truckload of snacks are the perfect way to kill time at home. Or you can invite some friends over, pop some popcorn, get those nachos rolling, and host a film fest of your own.

Things to do with your friends instead of drinking

A game night

We are talking about an old-school game of chess, monopoly, cluedo, and good ol’ ludo. Dig around your cupboards, get those snacks and sodas all set and get ready to have a fun-packed night. Oh and just a heads up, game nights can get competitive.

Host a potluck party

A potluck party is a great idea minus the alcohol. Set up a weekly potluck party with your girls or boys and get ready for a fun filled night. Each person brings a different home cooked course. Eating a variety of three-course meals every week? Now that is something that will get anyone excited!

Go to a gaming arcade or a painting café

Going for a few drinks with your pals just got even better! Painting cafes have gotten us obsessed. What is better than bringing home a gorgeous painting that we made ourselves from scratch?

How to have fun after work without drinking

Put those comfortable shoes on

Who doesn’t like a good stroll, that too in the fresh air? Walking offers plenty of friendships and potential conversation starters, so hit the pavement and get your jogging shoes on. It is an excellent way to break a sweat and kill some time.

Get your creative juices flowing

Has it been a while since you sat down in front of the aisle or pulled out your sketchbook? Give yourself a few hours after work to indulge in an old hobby.

Prepare a hearty meal for yourself

Experiment with a new recipe, some music and prepare a delicious meal for yourself. You can pick some fresh ingredients on your way back from work.

How to enjoy a party if you don’t drink alcohol?

Practice some social skills

Use a get-together as an opportunity to practice social skills. When you are at a party indulge in conversations and make friends. People will tell you all kinds of stories.

Demonstrate that you don’t need alcohol to enjoy

A lot of people say that they need alcoholic drinks to feel the buzz, dance, and have fun. So don’t just sit in the corner and be a spectator, hit the dance floor, and dance the night away. Prove that having a good time doesn’t have to include booze.

Let go of the FOMO

The little voice inside that we have tells us that we are missing out on something and the fear can get bigger as you watch your friends getting louder and laughing hard with each drink. But don’t indulge yourself in the fear of missing out, just remember you are at the party to have fun and you don’t need alcohol to do that

How to relax at home without drinking

Take a nice hot bath or long shower

Baths are an excellent way to relax without alcohol. Lighting a candle, turning the taps on, filling your bath, using essential oils, bath bombs, and bath salts, and picking out a good book to read adds to the relaxing routine.

Get physical

Getting physical is one of the best ways to reduce stress. It could mean exercise, yoga, lifting weights, and even running on the treadmill can put you n a meditative state. Trying different methods to get your body moving is a great way to loosen up and have fun at home. Unlike alcohol, exercise helps reduce stress both immediately, and long term.

Dance (Even if by Yourself)

Music releases dopamine which is the same feel-good chemical that floods us when we consume alcohol. Music is known to bring joy, and dancing to your favourite music makes things even better.

Can I be social without drinking?

Giving up alcohol doesn’t mean giving up your social life, yet managing sobriety in a social gathering especially when alcohol is involved can be challenging. The good news it is possible to maintain a healthy social life without getting buzzed or drunk.

One of the easiest things you can do to avoid drinking is to center your life around activities where alcohol isn’t involved.

Such as:

Daily activities

  • Meeting a friend for coffee

  • Going shopping

  • Meeting people for breakfast, brunch, or lunch

  • Hanging around at a friend’s house

  • Going for a jog

Sports Activities

  • Any kind of workout program like Zumba classes, yoga classes

  • Individual sports like tennis, squash

  • Team sports and non-beer leagues like volleyball, soccer

  • Endurance sports like running, swimming, cycling

Outdoor activities

  • Cycling

  • Rock climbing

  • Baseball

  • Bowling

  • Hiking

  • kayaking

Regardless of why you made up your mind to quit drinking or change your drinking habits, socializing in certain situations can feel scary. If you find yourself struggling to avoid alcoholic drinks, or you find yourself gloomy and alone, consider seeking professional help.

A therapist can help your life get back on track by helping you find strategies that work best for your life and health.

Can I enjoy life without drinking?

People always think that being sober is about missing out on all the good times and feeling deprived, but when you look at it, it is the other way around. Being drunk and being stuck in the same cycle of hangovers, you are missing out on a healthy, happy lifestyle.

Without alcohol:

You’ll be happier

The happiness you receive after consuming alcohol is artificial and brief, followed by a downer that is long and painful. It is an awful feeling when you are hung-over, low, anxious, and depressed. When you stop drinking you will feel like a whole different person.

You will look better without clothes

A bottle of booze contains around 600 calories. That is the equivalent of 3 cupcakes! Your waistline will thank you when you cut those extra calories.

Your weekends will get longer and exciting

When you spend your weekends drinking, time flies feeling hung-over and before you know it, Monday morning comes right around. When you are alcohol-free, you have the whole weekend to yourself.

How do you meet people when you don’t drink?


It might sound funny, but you can meet lots of people when you have a dog. When you walk your dog and take them out daily, you will get to know other people who are doing the same, and gradually walk together sometimes. Puppy training institutes will also give you a chance to meet other dog owners.

Karaoke, choirs, and concert

If you love music, then karaoke nights, concerts and choirs are wonderful. Nights like these tend to be meals and snacks and most people drive, so drinking is mostly off-limits.

Seek out a new experience

This piece of advice might sound cliché, but getting out of your comfort zone is always going to help you meet different kinds of people. See if you can find people based on your interest and passions.


Whatever you like doing (reading, painting, and writing), find a group, and keep showing up.

No matter how you like to spend your weekends, it is possible to keep your drinks aside and meet new people. Alcohol has nothing to do with the ability to make new, real, and lasting connections with people.

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